(nicky wire)

This is Nicky. Nicky writes all the Manics lyrics now. Nicky plays bass like...well, like the best bass player in the best band. He seems taller than the beanstalk in Jack and the Beanstalk, almost. His coolness far surpasses that of anyone else, except maybe the other Manics. But even that is questionable. What can I say? Nicky is excellent. No two ways about it, at the end of the day.

Some other stuff about Nicky -Nicky is Tallest Manic. And he is Manic-avec-the-best-sporting-kowledge. He is also Hoovering Housewife Manic, he who has three (three!!) vacuum cleaners. He enjoys cleaning dog hairs off his furniture with bits of tape. Nicky gets sent so much make-up by fans (cheap & nasty!) that he never actually has to buy any himself. Just like Sean, he hates pubs. Nicky has thee nicest smile. Ever. The coolness in one of his fingernails far surpasses any amount of coolness I could ever hope to achieve. And he looks better in a tiara than anyone else. All hail the great Nick Wire.