(james dean bradfield)

This is James. James is in the Manics. Obviously. James sings and plays guitar in the Manics. James, along with Sean (who you already met if you're reading these things in order), writes all of the Manics' music. Bow, bow in awe of James' greatness.

Some other stuff about James -

James is middle-height-Manic. He was born on 21st January, 1969 (that's what it says on the official website, so dont yell at me if you read something different elsewhere). Which makes him the youngest Manic. He is also the only one of the band who doesn't live in Wales anymore. He lives in London. And. James is also the only Manic who doesn't hate pubs. Quite the contrary, or so I've heard. James used to busk in Cardiff when Nicky and Richey were at university, and got the band's name from someone calling him a 'manic street preacher'. Which is cute. Speaking of cute, so is James. If I had a favourite Manic, it might be James. But since I love them all and refuse to play favourites, he isn't. If I had a favourite Manic, it might be James because of the cute way he mumbles, or the funny, twirly kind of way he jumps about on stage, or they way he changes bits of the lyrics and adds bits of lyrics from other songs when they play live, or maybe it's because he says he's always nervous and I can relate to that, and it's always easier to like someone when you feel you can relate to them (which is not to say I can't relate to the others, because that's just silly). James might be my favourite Manic because I like to be contrary, and most people say they like Nick or Richey best, or even little Sean because he's cute and cuddly. If I had a favourite Manic, it might be James because of a really cute picture I have of him, from the old days, in a backwards baseball hat. But, like I said. I don't have a favourite Manic. Or just maybe, maybe I do. But that would be telling.